WILDFIT Back To Spring™ Program
For WILDFIT Graduates Only
Next Back to Spring™ class
starts soon!
Back To Spring™ is the boost you need in order to remind yourself: you’re worth it.
Nobody has ever regretted putting their health first.
This 5-week deep dive into healthy habits was designed to help you regain quality sleep and mental focus, unleash abundant energy, facilitate real action, and give yourself permission to put your health first again. This program is a facilitated re-entry into Spring with the extra support and guidance you need.
WILDFIT Back to Spring™ is for you if you…
Struggle without the accountability and structure of a challenge
Have weight you’ve been longing to release
Have healing you want to prioritize
Are unaware of the daily habits that might be sabotaging your success
Need clarity on what the seasons are and how to cycle through them
Are a perfectionist with “all or nothing” type thinking
Want to deepen your understanding of the WILDFIT principles
Or if you just miss hanging out with your tribe
What’s included in your Back to Spring Experience?
Each week includes LIVE coaching
Video teaching from Eric Edmeades
WILDFIT-friendly recipes to keep your kitchen flavorful, healthy, and exciting
Intricate meal planning guides so you can flawlessly implement your WILDFIT meals with no muss or fuss
Access to a private community just for our Back to Spring members where you can connect and share the incremental wins, the pesky roadblocks, and everything in between
WILDFIT® Back to Spring™ Program
A 5-week program with weekly live support calls and a dedicated WhatsApp Group.
Our ancestors lived through seasons, and those seasons caused different metabolic changes.
Spring is the ability to activate one of those very important metabolic states called ketosis, This is done by enjoying a variety of quality whole foods while taking a break from carbohydrates.
WILDFIT® Back to Spring™ Program: Hunter's Spring Edition
A 5-week program with bi-weekly live support calls and a dedicated WhatsApp Group for Hunter’s Spring.
Hunter’s Spring is the opportunity to go into ketosis while focused on animal products. It’s a time to mimic what life would have been like for hunters on the plains; where you're completely focused on meat, fish, eggs and byproducts, and take a break from all plant products.
This is almost like an elimination diet where you can pinpoint plants that might have been irritating and inflaming your system and activating immune responses in your body. It’s a fantastic option for those who are interested in moving towards a more meat-involved diet.
WILDFIT® Back to Spring™ Program: Gatherer's Spring Edition
A 5-week program with bi-weekly live support calls and a dedicated WhatsApp Group for Gatherer’s Spring.
Gatherer’s Spring is the opportunity to go into ketosis without animal products by dramatically reducing carbohydrate intake. It's an exciting way to go through Spring and for my vegan friends, this is the vegan way of doing it.
Gatherer’s Spring is great for those who have trouble digesting meat, inflammation or bloating from fatty foods, heart-related issues, or those advised not to eat red meat.